Scouting Down Under for IBM

#TBT- On an around-the-globe job for IBM my last stop was Australia. We were featuring hometown heroes, athletes who would be representing their nations’ in the upcoming Summer Olympics. The hometown here was Parkes, New South Wales, and the hero was Steven Davies, captain of the Australian field hockey team. I flew to Parkes (5 hours west of Sydney) ahead of our shooting crew, and got to work scouting locations and casting for the commercial. I got to know Steven’s family and friends, spending time with them in their homes, places of work, and inevitably, at their favorite pubs. The people of Parkes were incredibly kind and generous to me, literally giving me the keys to their buildings so we could access their roofs for the dawn topshot you see of the “town crier” riding a horse down the main street, announcing “Steven’s in the Olympics!”